Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Edward Hopper House Show

I'm excited that these three paintings will be part of the
National Juried Show  
at the Edward Hopper House Art Center 
in Nyack, New York 
October 27 - December 23
Orange Towel 
10 x 12 
Outdoor Shower
8 x 10 

Late Afternoon 
10 x 12 

What a great excuse to hit NYC,
 then poke around Nyack and attend the reception on the 28th!   

You can view the entire show here. 


  1. I agree..Really great and cool that you are in it...Hopper is the best as are YOU

  2. Congratulations, Nancy! You are amazing- all three of these are very impressive works.

  3. I'm so glad that the selection committee has the good taste to include you. Congratulations!

  4. I stumbled on your work and I must say I like the fresh, fast style, especially the light in "Orange Towel"...
