Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Term Papering

I'm "term papering" this week
 for my upcoming show at the 
opening Memorial Day Weekend!  
Nothing to post as it seems I'm either 
having a breakdown or a breakthrough. 
Hope it's the latter. 

However, I must thank my friend Michael Chamberlain 
(whose work is amazing and I admire tremendously) 
for walking me through his process and materials,
and sharing his time with me 
via e-mail and cellphone!
What a cool and generous guy.  
20 x 16 by
Now that is inspiring! 

Back at it tomorrow. 


  1. For sure BREAKTHROUGH...then spread it my way...Thanks for the Michael Chamberlane tip..he is beautiful...similar style to you, lady

  2. This is what I treasure about blogging: sharing experiences and leads to other wonderful painters. Thanks, Nancy.
