Monday, March 10, 2014

Jump on Board!

Before the Spring class schedule at 
is announced, 
I thought I'd give you the heads up! 
I will be teaching another 
class on Thursdays from March 27 - May 1
9:30 - 12:30
Orange Towel 
10 x 12 

Whether you are a beginner or have been painting for years,
this approach will give you the tools you need to
build a strong foundation for your paintings.
 We have a lot of fun and the results are amazing
 so jump on board and enjoy the ride!

These classes fill up quickly,
so the sooner the better!


  1. Lovely work in the shadow areas - it feels very sunny.

    1. Catching up on your blog Nancy, love your figurative work, the breakthrough quote, and your honest progress report! I'm feeling it too, on the verge of something new!
