Monday, June 16, 2014

Quick Demo with Model vs. Photo

It's been ages since I've painted a model,
and I struggled doing this  quick demo for our first 
"Figure in the Sunlight"
 class last week. 
20 minute demo 
8 x 10 
(wiped it off twice!) 

To "redeem myself" I did this later in my studio 
 from a photo 
in about 45 minutes.
I was terribly bored. 

Doing quick poses with a model is a great way to push yourself.
You have to say what you have to say, quickly and simply. 
No time to overwork it! 

I'm starting to think that in this class, 
I am teaching what I want to learn!
We have a dynamic and enthusiastic group 
and I look forward to the journey we are on!  

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