was so much fun this weekend.
I met a ton of interesting people,
got some new students, learned a lot,
and sold some paintings!
The entrance
My work was in the front as you walked in.
Beth's work was by the windows.
The perfect "desk"!
I served water with lemon, mint and cucumber.
wine, and some wrapped goodies.
There was a steady stream of people in and out both days.
Open Seating
24 x 40!
I was thrilled to sell this piece.
I have never shown it before.
And one of Beth's paintings sold!!!
Blue Sweater
12 x 12
All in all, it was a great experience.
It was exhausting but very inspiring.
I've bought some big canvas's
and am itching to get painting!
It's fun to share a project with a like-minded painter. Beth appears to have an interesting point of view.