Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Five Minute to an Hour Exercise

I used to do ten minutes for this exercise 
but found that five minutes 
 is just enough time to get the point across.
(less titching)

We divide our 8 x 10 panels into four sections. 
Then pick one object in strong light. 
Set the timer for 5 minutes and try to fill a section. 
Move the object and repeat three more times.   

The idea is to change your approach each time.
This forces you to really look at the object,
simplify the shapes, 
and make every stroke count! 
While they were still reeling from that, 
we set up more complicated still lives 
and set the timer for one hour! 
The idea is to keep the spontaneity 
of the five minute paintings, 
while spending more time

This exercise is not for sissies!
Most of them have never done this before,
and happily,
I think they got it!
No titching here!


  1. These are great and came out just wonderful. My class wanted to do cloth last night.....after awhlle soneone said..."Who's idea was this anyway?" lol
    One of these times I'll remember my camera.

  2. What a wonderful exercise. It really sharpens the act of seeing.
