Monday, May 12, 2014

Influential Woman

I thought about my Mom all weekend, 
as she was certainly the most influential woman in my life.
As I get older, I feel blessed to have some pretty amazing 
woman my mother's age, 
as friends.  

Winnie Lou Rounds, a fellow Garden Club member,
has the most wonderful view on every subject on earth;
 from gardening, to personal relationships.
She is 90 years old and is "sharp as a tack"! 

"Winne Lou"
8 x 10 

Last week she took our members on one of her 
magical "walks" by the river.
Here's to you Winnie Lou! 
Thank you for all that share with us. 


  1. Lucky you! I have some wise women friends as well and feel honored to know them. Lovely tribute.

  2. Lucky you! I have some wise women friends as well and feel honored to know them. Lovely tribute.

  3. OMG. I LOVE this Nance. You captured her SO beautifully. That must have been a great walk

  4. Nice post and painting of this awesome 'gal'.
    Thinking of my mama but feeling better ;)
