This is a bittersweet time;
sad to see the summer go but very excited for
all the fall activity to start!
In two weeks I'll be teaching weekend "Intuitive Painting"
workshop at the
Rockport Art Association
(Sept 15, 16)

"Cross Roads" 10 x 8 oil
workshop at the
Rockport Art Association
(Sept 15, 16)

"Cross Roads" 10 x 8 oil
"This workshop is geared for experienced painters
who are interested in shaking things up.
We will learn how to create more
intuitive and expressive paintings
by balancing what we see with some
Less literal, more bold!
Through a series of fun quick exercises, we’ll explore ways to design more dynamic and contemporary paintings by focusing on the big shapes and their relationship to each other.
Through a series of fun quick exercises, we’ll explore ways to design more dynamic and contemporary paintings by focusing on the big shapes and their relationship to each other.
We will discover ways to use the abstract elements
of color, shape, space, and line to express an idea. We’ll work from
simple still life set-ups and photographs.
All paint mediums are welcome. "
This will be great fun
and a terrific way to kick off the fall season!
and a terrific way to kick off the fall season!
This week we are wrapping up the Abstract session
of our year long on-line class with Mark Daniel Nelson
and will begin the section titled;
"Finding Your Voice".
Looking forward to that, as I have found that
"thinking abstractly" doesn't exactly come naturally to me.
I was recently interviewed for an article in the
Looking forward to that, as I have found that
"thinking abstractly" doesn't exactly come naturally to me.
I was recently interviewed for an article in the
Boston Voyage Magazine
You can read it HERE!
Have a safe and fun long weekend
and I'll see you in September!
You can read it HERE!
Have a safe and fun long weekend
and I'll see you in September!
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