There is a lot of buzz about painting bigger in the blogger world right now.
I've had inquires about tips I've learned
during my recent "upsizing".
The #1 one tool that has helped me the most is using a grid.
I did this 24 x 30 in 2008
"Weekly Rental"
24 x 30
I remember painting it free hand from an 8 x 10 photo.
Back then, I thought the awkward angles
and incorrect perspective gave it "character."
I wouldn't even attempt this now, without using a grid!
(once you get the drawing right, you can just have fun with the paint!)
#2 is to change up your equipment!
I cover a rolling kitchen cart with freezer paper to use for a pallet.
That way I can squeeze out a ton of paint and
use a big brush!
But really, the best tip I've heard along the way about painting bigger has been:
"Try it!"
News: This blog has just been given a critique by
"Independent critiques of artwork and artist blogs
to guide and inform the worldwide art-buying public
and the commercial art gallery industry"
You gotta love this guy!
What a concept.
And he's in Australia!