Friday, January 31, 2014

Magic Happens

I truly believe that all forms of "magic" 
can happen during a Full Moon.

 "Full Moon Magic" 
8 x 8 

The GJWP challenge this month was 
I can't wait to see what the rest of the gang posts! 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Added Benefits of Workshops

Limited Stroke Exercise
(from workshop last weekend)  

One of the many benefits of painting workshops,
is all the new "stuff" you come away with.
Beside the new tools and tricks learned,
we discover all kinds of new artists to follow.

Karen Appleton is one of my new favorites!
Her website is filled with juicy figures......

"The Travelers" 
6 x 12
 Karen Appleton.

...and she takes ribbons, bows, presents, packages, and purses 
to a whole new level!  

"Look at Me" 
10 x 10 
Karen Appleton 

Happy Viewing! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Value Viewer Tool

One of the best new techno tools available is the 
Value Viewer app.  
I previously posted about it here. 
You can view your photos in grey scale, notan and levels, 
and can adjust each one to get value pattern that you want.  


Here is how one student used it for the 
Vibrant Color exercise we did last week! 
The opportunities with this are 

Value Viewer didn't work well with the 
I phone upgrade for a while, 
but they have fixed it. 
If you have an older version, 
you should download the newer one.   

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Tools of the Trade

I recently discovered that I can easily get
an image in a three value scale right on my phone!
(Thanks to the upgrade?)
Select the image in Photos.
Hit EDIT at the top right corner
Hit the three circles icon in the middle of the bar
Choose the MONO filter.
You have all the information you need!

This was one of my 20 minute demos
done during the two day workshop this weekend.
(from a photo a student brought in) 

 It was great fun using this tool to check our values
throughout the weekend.
An incredibly valuable new
tool for our trade!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Vibrant Color Exercise

Liz Wiltzen posted this exercise on her blog 
before the holidays and I finally got around to trying it out.

"All Red" Exercise 
8 x 8 

This is a rather advanced challenge 
that totally reinforces the importance of getting the values right,
no matter what the color.
Then, viewing it in black and white
pretty much says it all.

"Color gets the credit, value does the work." 
Well, yeah!  

My other blog pal, Claudia Hammer 
has been doing the exercise
 in every color and her posts are enlightening.
Today she posted BLUE! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Opaque Color

I've painted this old marina many times
but I'm pretty sure I've never been able to nail that intense red color.  
Until I discovered gouache! 

Old Humarock Marina 
7 x 7 gouache

Endless opportunities. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

More Fun with Gouache

I used two images of a 
spring stream in the woods 
 for these small experiments on paper.  

Gouache on paper 
4 x 6 

I let the medium tell me what to do 
taking inspiration from these awesome 
gouache paintings by 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gouache has Arrived!

The gouache paints I ordered arrived yesterday so 
while I watched the Golden Globe awards last night,
I played around a bit!   

 First Gouache experiment
(8 x 8 on paper) 

I'm so excited about the endless possibilities with this medium. 
I love the gluiness of them.
(Didn't know that was a word!) 
Who knew? 

One of the recipients last night thanked her children for teaching her to
"accept joy and let go of fear".
That resonated so much with me, I had to write it down. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Too Soon

I know it's way too soon, 
but I must be channelling Spring. 
I bought pink gerbera daisies in a bright pink tin pot at the grocery store 
to set up in the studio. 

Studio Demo 

Three current students came over for a make up class 
yesterday and we just painted and talked. 
It was so refreshing and fun.  
Having artists to the studio 
really fills the place with positive energy.  

And it forced a bit of a clean up, 
that turned in to a major purge,
so I am ready to go!  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Switcho Chango

Today I did the complete opposite of yesterday's exercise. 
Instead of using NO MAP,
I did a PATTERN PAINTING of the same objects 
by outlining the big shapes of light and shadow 
and assigned each shape one color/value.  

I used red acrylic to map out the shapes 
on a board toned in yellow. 

Both approaches help trick you into thinking "shape and value" 
instead of subtle details. 
(Anything to keep fussy pants away!) 

Meanwhile, I thought I'd share a corner of my 
warm and cozy "office." 
So happy to go to work these days!  
 I just ordered some gouache. 
Never used them before, 
so stay tuned!  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And I'm Off!

Feeling rusty and anxious about "re-entering" today,  
I challenged myself to do a 
"No Map Exercise".

The idea is to paint just the big shapes in the right value
without any pre- mark making, measuring, or drawing!
(No map.)  

I know a lot of awesome painters who do this very successfully
 but to me, it's like driving without my glasses. 
(I'm such a girl scout. I need a map!)    
You can see where I cheated on the orange pitcher, 
and got off track with the yellow cup. 
(Those red marks are from a previous start)

It's great to be back in the saddle !  

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bring on the New Year!

As much as I love the holiday season, 
I'm always excited to get the New Year started.
Enough already!

"Boy on Board" 
8 x 8 
(commission for a friend) 

Hunkering down in the studio with so many ideas, 
I'm not sure where to begin. 
I'm looking forward to some teaching because that 
really gets the juices flowing! 
Hope you can join me for some fun in 2014. 

Six Thursday classes starting Jan 16
9:30 - 12:30
(one spot left)   

Weekend Workshop 
Jan 25, 26 
9:30 - 3:30 

Two Day Workshop 
April 8, 9 
9:30 - 3:30 

Weekend Workshop  
July 19, 20 
9:30 - 3:30