Friday, August 30, 2013

Something Different

A recent post on Facebook by Mark Daniel Nelson 
inspired me to try a new approach to architecture. 
"Late Summer Light"
8 x 10 

I tried to keep the shapes very flat and 
played with the colors up against each other. 
Fun stuff. 

His his edges and use of color.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Endless Summer

Like every one here in New England, 
I refuse to accept that "summer is over"
after Labor Day weekend. 
Especially since September is (usually) 
the most gorgeous month of the year! 

"Soaking It Up"  
12 x 12 

That being said, I am looking forward to 
working on some new subject matter.
Maybe some fall landscapes? 

Have a safe and happy long weekend everyone!  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Painting a Moving Target

My goal this summer was to teach myself how to paint
groups of figures from life.
In another week, all my beach models will be gone
so I did a few quick studies yesterday. 
These gals, lined up in the sun were a real challenge 
because they kept getting up! 
Six Babysitters
8 x 8 

I quickly mapped them out in red acrylic
so when they went for a swim, 
I had something to work with!

I'm using an Open Box M, a very limited pallet,
and am taking pictures, 
but not looking a them until I've finished! 
A great way to work quickly and 

Monday, August 19, 2013

High Key/Pattern Painting

It was very overcast and quiet at the beach today. 
The sky, sand, and water were all very muted
(which made the bright colors even brighter!)   

I am usually attracted to strongly sunlit subjects,
so this was a challenge.
I decided to approach it as a high key, pattern painting.
(See PKR's DVD's)  
These gals were about 200 yards away from my set up,
so I had no choice but to squint and paint what I could see. 
That sure helps you simplify! 

(I may get rid of the swimmer who looks like a starfish. 
I like him but he's distracting?) 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another Version

I'm still experimenting with painting "groups of people",
so I decided to do another version of the same scene I did yesterday. 
I was intrigued by a recent post from  Liz Wiltzen,
 about manipulating photos to get better compositions. 
Today, I did the "map" for this from a few different images,
placing the figures where I wanted them.  

"I'm Having Chocolate"

The real challenge here is that the figures were entirely in the sunlight! 
Very few shadows, so no interesting value pattern. 
I had to rely on color, shapes, and brushstrokes 
to keep it interesting. 

This kind of painting is like piecing together
a puzzle!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Change of Pace

I wanted to paint something other than people on the beach
 so Saturday I rode my bike down to the 
little beachside village.  

"Sands End" 
9 x 12 

This is a favorite spot for ice cream 
after a day on the beach. 
Ahhhh. Summer. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Internet Surprise

A few weeks ago a man e-mailed me 
asking permission for his 14 year old daughter 
to use an image of one of my paintings 
on the cover of a book she was writing. 

They are sending me a copy.
You can read about it here. 
How fun is that? 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Copley on Cape Cod Show

The Cape Cod Cultural Center
in South Yarmouth, MA
is hosting a juried show this month featuring
 work by Copley Society Members. 
"Copley on Cape Cod"
The opening reception is this
Saturday August 10
6 - 8 pm, if you are in the area!

I'm thrilled two of my favorite "summer" paintings
will be part of the show.
"Cherry Popsicles"
12 x 12 

"Sky Lantern Launch" 
10 x 10  

If you are in that area during the month of August,
stop in a take a peek.  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Vacation!

I'm taking the month of August "off".
No classes, no shows, no pressure to do anything 
except what comes my way.   
So I'm finally getting around to doing some 
of these fun beach scenes from life!
It's such a liberating way to paint!   

"The Color of Fun"
12 x 12 

"Sultry Sunday"
8 x 10 

Oh, and I ended up framing each of the 12 x 12 panels for the tryptic
individually so they can stand alone, 
or be hung together! 
"Busy Beach Day #1, #2, #3"
12 x 36 

I dropped this off at the Cove Gallery on the Cape last week. 
Happy August 