Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Surprise

When I arrived at the opening of the Winter Members Show 
at The Copley Society last night, 
Suzan Redgate, the director, pointed to my name on "the wall".
My painting had received one of four awards!  
They don't notify the award winners ahead of time, 
so this was a happy surprise!

22 x 30 oil 

I'm thrilled, of course, but mainly because 
it's a really large painting (for me) and 
I took a risk putting that telephone pole right in the middle of it!
I guess it's really good to let go and stretch yourself
once in awhile! 

ps. No picture of me to post.
I had on a weird outfit and my hair was flat. 
Again. This was a surprise! 


  1. Oh no! A fashion victim with flat hair! Well, you can't win em all. Congratulations on the prize you did win, anyway. :0)

  2. Congrats and yes indeed- happy surprise!!

  3. HOW weird was the outfit?- inquiring minds need to know? And the hair? Ugh. I can commiserate - I'm thinking of shaving it all off and getting 'hair' tattooed on my head! I knew this one was a 'winner' when I saw it in your studio. It is even more impressive in person than on the blog! Congratulations on a job well done!

  4. Congratulations, Nancy...That is a great painting and it works!

  5. Great painting Nancy, it deserves recognition. I also love your salsa dancing series!

  6. The perspective and direction of the lines in this work make your eyes move up through the scene, and of course the light is great. So happy for you.
    PS: my hair is magenta.

  7. HIP HIP HOORAY for you. Congrats N...and thanks for the chuckle regarding the outfit and hair.

  8. Wow, congrats Nancy! Well done. great painting.

  9. Wow! Congratulations doesn't seem to be enough of a word! And to echo the others - what on earth were you wearing?

  10. Applause .... CONGRATULATIONS! .... Applause

    Must have photo!! :-D

  11. Congrats Nancy! I LOVE this painting. Honorable mention? I know I haven't seen what took first but I can't imagine anything better. I demand a re-count!!!

    P.S. I know about flat hair, I'm constantly wearing my hoodie.
