Friday, February 17, 2012

Painter Interupted

"I'm Just Mad About Cello.
Cello's just Mad about me!" 

Between potty training, trips to Petco, taking pictures, 
and all the lovin' goin' on here......
my painting time has been a bit limited.
I was able to do this quick sketch yesterday,
while she was sleeping under my chair.

Cello at 12 weeks!
I just can't get enough of all that extra
 roly poly soft yellow fur!


  1. Great sketch! Nice and loose - so expressive.

  2. Oh, you are such a goner!
    Good of you to fit in some nice sketches.

  3. To everything there is a season, Nanny! You should definitely do more sketching like this - it is so expressive!

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