Thursday, April 19, 2012

Figures in the Sunlight

In preparation for my upcoming 
workshop May 12,
 I used my class as "guinea pigs" this week.  

Since we didn't have a model, I did a quick 
10 minute demo for them 
using an image I took last weekend at the beach. 

Then I'd bought some great white cotton dresses 
and big floppy hats at TJ Max,
 so we took turns modeling in the sun. 

I set the timer for 10 minute poses, 
but I found that just wasn't enough time.
It was frustrating to most, including me! 
You clearly need to get a really accurate initial drawing 
of the figure for these to work! 

We will be doing this often for practice
and we'll spend more time on each pose. 
It's a real challenge and so fun! 

1 comment:

  1. So lovely..really wish I was taking your seem to simplify it more than others and it looks great..lucky workshoppers this wek-end..Have fun
