Monday, March 22, 2010


I got to dog sit a sweet 6-7 year old female yellow lab this weekend. She was such a love and so easy to care for. On Friday I set up my gear in the garden, gave her a big marrow bone to keep her busy, and painted the purple crocus that are finally showing off their pretty faces all over the place. There is nothing like those first warm days of spring in New England. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted and everything is light and airy again. I love it.

Maddie and her bone 

My Set Up 

Welcome Spring! 
6 x 6 


  1. Spring indeed...nice reminder during these rainy days.

  2. it's a strong painting. Nice color harmony and shapes.
    Was it JUST like being with Salty again?
    Reminds me of her.

  3. Strong painting just about sums it up, Mary is right. This painting is as delightful as happening upon the real thing. I love that it's not a picture of's a PAINTING of crocus...well done!

  4. Hi Nancy, Wonderful colors! This makes me want to get outside and paint some some of the beautiful spring flowers!
