Monday, April 18, 2011

Fresh Paint

This past Sunday was the painting day for 
Given that rain was forecasted, I brought my gear in town Thursday
 to hopefully get something at least started.
 As soon as I got there, it turned cloudy, windy and way too cold.
No color, no drama, no darks and lights. 
I took some not-so-great images and came home. 
"Soaking It In"
8 x 10 
I did this on Saturday in my studio.
Good thing I had a back up plan. 
As  a new member, I really want my painting to raise some money. 
So I put this one in instead.
It's one of my favorites, done a few weeks ago. 
Sunny Side of Newbury
10 x 16

About 40 members were juried in to participate in the event. 
The show of paintings submitted will be available, 
both in the gallery and on line
 in a silent auction format from April 19 - May 7 
when bidding will end at a gala reception. 

Check it out in a few days!  


  1. Love these! You've really captured that Boston atmosphere!

  2. These are wonderful Boston in the spring paintings!

  3. You did Boston proud, Nancy . . . very nice painting!

  4. Nancy, I enjoyed going through your work. Especially like today's posting of Sunny side of Newbury. Well done!
