Saturday, March 3, 2012

More "large painting" issues

The soft curves of the sheets against all those 
horizontals and verticals in this scene is what 
initially caught my eye.   

Laundry Day 
24 x 30 

I struggled with this and think, in the end, it feels "studied" and tight. 
As much as I enjoy painting on a larger scale,  
I can't seem to capture the spontaneity or looseness of my smaller work.
Gotta work on that! 


  1. Are you wanting a critique? The subject is super, and your values are great as always. Maybe a view from a different angle, or loose the deck on the left.

  2. It's all relative... It's much easier to work with a loaded #6 brush on a small canvas than a loaded #12 on a bigger one. Myself, I'm too cheap not to get scared by the larger scale.

  3. It's taking you to another place. I really like it. The blue sheets really look soft in comparison to the neutral background.Our struggle pieces seem to lead the way to breakthroughs (at least i like to think that!)

  4. I love paintings of laundry on a line. I especially like the colors in this one.
