Sunday, October 9, 2011

Big IS Better!

16 x 20 

One more using a larger canvas. 

On another note, yesterday a few of the  
gang painted at Kennedy's Country Garden
to help promote breast cancer awareness. 

It was a wonderful event, a gorgeous Indian summer day, 
and a great way to spend time with painting pals. 

8 x 10 

There were scarecrows, pumpkins, mums, and plants galore! 


  1. Great job in painting bigger! I admire how you simplify and paint shapes and light. Amazing!

    Also, a big thank you for painting for breast cancer awareness!!

  2. The great shadows make this so sun-struck and beachy, and I love the cut-in wires!

  3. Your paintings are so beautiful..the colors and values are so right on..striking is a good description

  4. I lOVE this scarecrow- I never even saw it on Saturday- and the house is amazing. You are the queen of good value. (and I dont mean cheap!)'
