Monday, December 3, 2012

Repeating a Good Time

I rarely offer to re-do a painting that has sold.
Somehow it feels like trying to repeat a good time, 
which we all know, doesn't always work out. 

Busy Beach Day 
8 x 10 

A woman in NYC saw this on the Cove Gallery website. 
It had sold so she asked if I had anything like it. 
I did not, but I thought it would be a good challenge to try it again. 

Busy Beach Day II

I think it has the same feel and happily, 
she is delighted and is purchasing it to give to her daughter! 

The added bonus: 
The flood gates are open and 
I am painting again! 


  1. Congratulations on the sale and woooo-hooo for you blowing past your block!

  2. Congrats on the painting here, still have a couple of concerts to get through.
