Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lost in translation?

I've been curious to see if my  
would translate to a larger format.  
I had a 16 x 40 inch gallery wrapped canvas 
 primed and ready to go, so I went for it. 

Central Park 
16 x 40

I limited myself to #12 brushes or larger, 
put out a lot of paint and spent three hours on it.  

Not sure if it translates.
It's a bit awkward up close. 
All I know, 
I was exhausted and exhilarated by "the doing" of it.  
When asked about "writers block" in a recent Globe interview
Anna Quindlen, one of my favorite authors replied; 
"Some days I fear writing dreadfully, but I do it anyway. 
I've discovered that sometimes writing badly 
can eventually lead to something better. 
Not writing at all leads to nothing." 

There you go! 


  1. That is so your one hour paintings, especially the figures.

  2. totally translates! the beauty of your work is in the simplicity you work so hard to achieve...and great quote!
