Monday, May 17, 2010

Finally There

I've always said that sitting on the beach is my favorite sport. It usually takes a lot of work to get there but that moment, when you finally get settled in your chair and can "just do nothing", is sublime. In a few weeks we will all be getting lots of those moments, I hope!

"Finally There"
8 x 10 


  1. I love being on the beach and hope to be there soon!

  2. Even though I try, I can never seem to sit and do nothing even at the beach - I must be painting, sketching, reading even! I've always envied people who could do that. Must be Catholic guilt or something. I like the sense of relaxation you've captured here!

  3. i want to be there I want to be there...
    Im like Kelley tho- need to learn the art of nothingness.
